take a firm stand artinya
- People who favour this style tend to take a firm stand because they are confident in their position. They often operate from a position of power.
Orang yang menyukai gaya ini cenderung bersikap tegas karena mereka percaya diri dalam posisi mereka. Mereka sering beroperasi dari posisi kekuasaan. - He took a firm stand against pastoral experiments, such as "worker-priests", who worked full-time in factories and joined political parties and unions.
Ia dengan tegas menolak percobaan pastoral, seperti apa yang disebut "imam-pekerja", yakni para imam yang juga bekerja penuh di pabrik-pabrik dan bergabung dengan partai-partai politik dan serikat buruh. - Another reason is that the sea around their village faces the protected Cenderawasih Bay National Park, which should compel the community and village administration to take a firm stand in looking after the area for the future.
Alasan lain karena laut mereka mereka berhadapan dengan TNTC yang dilindungi, yang harus butuh ketegasan dari masyarakat dan pemerintah kampung, untuk menjaga wilayah tersebut sehingga tetap lestari. - Says Crenshaw of Halsey's comments on Cole's actions, "Admirals Halsey and Nimitz, aided and abetted by their large staffs, didn't understand what had happened, yet felt they must take a firm stand to encourage better performance in the future.
Tentang komentar Halsey tentang tindakan Cole, Crenshaw berkata, "Meskipun dibantu dan didukung oleh staf yang besar, Laksamana Halsey dan Laksamana Nimitz tidak mengerti apa yang telah terjadi. - The bishop of Timika, Mgr. John Philip Saklil, Pr has asked local government to take a firm stand on PT Pusaka Agro Lestari (PAL)’s oil palm plantation which has been operating in Mimika regency since 2011.
TIMIKA, SUARAPAPUA.com — Uskup Timika, Mgr. John Philip Saklil, Pr, meminta pemerintah daerah bersikap tegas terhadap operasi perkebunan kelapa sawit, PT. Pusaka Agro Lestari (PAL), yang sudah beroperasi di Kabupaten Mimika, Papua, sejak 2011 lalu.